Friday, 13 September 2024
You should be aware that there is always a risk that your cat will start to hurt, even if you take good care of it. The pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. It is very important to notice as soon as possible that your cat has a problem, so that it doesn't turn out later that it is too late for effective help. For this reason, it is recommended to pay close attention to any behavior that deviates from the norm. It is worthwhile to get acquainted with these symptoms of suffering in the cat, which occur in him most often.
Unfortunately, but the cat is not able to communicate to humans that it is experiencing some suffering. It is also important that, unlike some animals, it does not make sounds that signal pain, and this is due to its disposition. This is the reason why it is the guardian who should carefully watch his cat and if he sees that something alarming is happening, then he should take the appropriate steps.
The suffering of a purrfect cat is often caused by physical damage, but it can also be due to diseases of internal organs. In many cases, cats develop abdominal, throat, or tooth pain. If such a development occurs, then the animal can be seen acting in an exceptional way, which manifests itself, among other things, isolation, lack of appetite, eating at different times than usual or feeling fear of trying to stroke him.
Typical behaviors of a cat in pain also include frequent licking of the sore area, reluctance to play, or loss of interest in the household. In some cases cats show aggressive behavior. The most important thing is to report such circumstances as soon as possible to a vet, who will make a proper diagnosis and depending on it will apply appropriate treatment.
Important information
The first disturbing symptoms include constant wailing and purring, which signify great agony of the animal. The next symptoms that may be present are: waspishness, weight loss, irregular bowel movements, and very severe hair loss. Failure to respond appropriately can lead to the death of your purr.
The following will outline the basic types of pain and the symptoms that indicate them:
It should be borne in mind that the ways of treating pain, which are effective in humans, in cats may prove to be ineffective and even harmful. Therefore, it is wisest to go to a vet who will know exactly what to do in a given situation.