Sunday, 16 February 2025
Winter is passing into oblivion, the day is getting longer and the temperature is getting higher, this is a sign that spring is coming. This is the most awaited time of the year, during which...
How we feed our pets is one of the most important areas of caring for them. It is also a way of showing them our love, building relationships, caring for the sparkle in their eyes and the curiosity...
Food has many functions - it provides energy and nutrients, but it is also a way to show affection and a source of fun. We want to bestow each of these elements upon our beloved pets! So what should...
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrine disorders in animals. It is worth finding out what its symptoms are and how to recognize diabetes in a dog or cat. Diabetes mellitus in...
Ascites is a condition in which too much fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity of the dog. It's a very uncomfortable situation for the animal and is accompanied by intensive vomiting and loss...
One of the most serious in consequences dog disease is babesiosis. Its consequences for our pet are extremely serious and may even lead to the loss of our beloved pet. The source of babesiosis is...
Ear inflammation is a fairly common affliction among dogs. The origin of the disease can be different, and it can affect one ear or a pair. It is worth remembering that chronic inflammation may...
Gastric torsion and dilatation is especially true for large, even giant dogs. However, this is not the rule. Small dogs are also prone to this affliction. The causes can be really different. It...
In order to prevent tick-borne diseases in your dog, you should use appropriate repellents and parasiticides. It should be remembered that although the feeding period of ticks lasts from spring...
Each of us is probably familiar with the saying about the harmfulness of eating a given product in too large quantities. There is no doubt that this statement has a lot to do with reality. It can...
Dogs lose their coat all year round, however increased coat loss can be observed especially in spring, when, in preparation for warmer months, they get rid of thick winter fur. However, it is...
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergy-based diseases that occur in dogs. This type of genetic disorder is not so easy to recognize, also the treatment is very difficult. It is...
One of the most common ailments in dogs is liver disease. This problem affects both young and older animals. The liver is an organ that performs vital functions in the dog's body: it processes...
A term for chronic inflammatory diseases of one group that share many common features. Colitis and Crohn's disease can also be called by this name because they are characterized by similar...
As it is commonly known, dogs do not suffer from human ailments, such as viral ones. Therefore, it may seem funny to someone that his pet is coughing. It is possible, however, so it is worth...
It's not only humans who are bad eaters - our pets also have the right to be lethargic, depressed, have a bad day or a poor appetite. However, if the dog has problems with eating unexpectedly or...
Dysplasia is a problem that usually affects large breeds of dogs. It causes serious problems with normal movement; at some point, the pooch is unable to function properly. Hip dysplasia in a...
When sometimes a person is poisoned by something, eats something bad, or mixes together unsuitable ingredients, he has a real revolution in his stomach - and it results in vomiting or diarrhoea...
Dogs can contract many diseases, and a good owner is one who keeps a close eye on their pet and can react quickly when something bad happens. Scabies is a serious health condition that affects...
Wear and tear is a disease that dog owners are familiar with, although the condition can occur in many different animals. For example, it can occur in cats, goats or sheep. When a dog is...
Very many people face the problem of dandruff that settles on their hair and clothes. This also applies to animals that live together with you at home. For example, dogs are a common example of...
Cushing's disease very commonly affects senior dogs. It is also called adrenal hyperfunction. It is very important to get proper treatment quickly, as neglect here can lead to serious...
When we talk about dog parasites, most immediately think of fleas, ticks and other organisms that live on the surface of your pet's body. Internal parasites are equally threatening organisms. In...
For many years it has been stressed that sport means health. We all seem to know it, but sometimes we lack motivation. A dog can provide us with such motivation. What are the activities in which...
Properly selected dog toys stimulate your pet's abilities and contribute to its intellectual development. We would like to present our recommended accessories that your pet will certainly enjoy...
A dog is man's best friend. It is faithful, loyal and likes to spend time with its owner in any situation. However, it is worth remembering that four-legged pets, just like us, get sick. What...
It doesn't matter if we own a puppy from a kennel or have decided to adopt an adult dog from a shelter or foundation. Sometimes on our way together there are problems that are difficult to cope...
A dog is man's best friend who faithfully stays by his side regardless of the circumstances. However, as it turns out, contact with our four-legged companions can not only bring us a lot of joy...
Although giving gifts to pets may seem like overkill, many guardians buy their pets gifts every year. Shops offer many accessories and gadgets, which are not only functional, but also pleasing to...
Ticks are small arachnids that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They can be found in forests and meadows, as well as in parks and on lawns. A tick bite can be fatal for your pet. These...
Correct and balanced diet is very important for the health of our pet. There are plenty of ready-made pet foods on the market and it's often very difficult to make the right choice. It is very...
Dog harnesses are becoming increasingly popular among owners of pets on four legs. However, such harnesses have been used in dog sleds for centuries. They allow pulling heavy sleds. How to...
Tibetan Mastiff is a well-built dog with mossy, thick black fur. He is a great guard and a lot of fun to run freely in a large garden. Tibetan Mastiffs have strong and independent characters, but...
The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the body of any creature. They are responsible for regulating the body's water, mineral and acid-base balance, and are involved in the...
Whether it's a wild chase in the forest or crazy play in the meadow, an energetic dog needs a good dose of activity to satisfy its needs. But when it's time to go home, it turns out that the dog...
Dog eye care is nothing complicated. All you have to do is check their condition every day and remove any dirt that collects in the corners of the eyes. Why is this important, how often should you...
Once in a while, carrying out a thorough review of accessories and furnishings of our pet's space, we decide to buy new gadgets. While doing seasonal chores we review the accessories we have...