Saturday, 18 January 2025
Everyone knows about the fact that many people suffer from cat allergies, even though this is quite a simplification. But not many people are aware that these cute quadrupeds can also have a similar problem. So how to take care of a cat with allergies? Here is some advice.
It might seem that allergies are not the most dangerous of diseases, but in the case of cats they are often very severe. Symptoms of allergies are not unambiguous, so you need to exclude other diseases, which may be a sign of them. Therefore, any information on how to take care of a cat that has an allergy is worth its weight in gold for owners of such pets. It is therefore worth reading this article and learning more about the subject.
According to veterinarians, our pets are very susceptible precisely to allergies. However, as it turns out, the symptoms do not have to be severe in every cat with an allergy, so often owners do not immediately notice that something is wrong. If our cat belongs to that group of pets which suffer from more severe cases of allergies, their effect may be very large skin changes. The more so because these quadrupeds often suffer from atopy.
What can your cat be allergic to? If only to flea venom, but your pet may also suffer from a food allergy to various types of food, such as milk, fish or beef. In the case of inhalation allergy, dust mites and pollen are harmful for your pet, and in the case of contact allergy, mainly plastic materials used for e.g. the collar may be allergenic.
Certainly, one of the most troublesome allergies, both for the cat itself and its owner, is food allergy. It's not easy to cure, and if the allergen causing it is found, the cat has to go on a very strict diet, from which the allergen has to disappear.
Worth knowing
Previous observations show that cats that have been fed canned food are more likely to develop a food allergy. The preservatives they contain may be the cause of allergic reactions.
Taking into consideration the fact that cats often suffer from atopy, in a large number of cases allergy symptoms are skin changes. Usually cats start losing their hair and scratch themselves very hard, as a consequence of which bald spots appear on their body. After some time in these places are formed big wounds and rashes. Then we shouldn't have any doubts that our cat has an allergy. Of course, to confirm it, it's necessary to make an appointment with a vet, to exclude other diseases, like scabies.
When our cat's allergy is confirmed, some changes are waiting for us, including introduction of restrictive rules concerning even his diet. Thanks to it you can find out what allergen triggers allergic reaction in your cat. Although your cat will usually grumble when the allergens are eliminated, the situation will stabilise later on.