Saturday, 18 January 2025

Dogotherapy - what benefits does it bring?

11 March 2021

A dog is man's best friend who faithfully stays by his side regardless of the circumstances. However, as it turns out, contact with our four-legged companions can not only bring us a lot of joy, but also have a real impact on our health. Dog therapy is becoming more and more popular and seems to actually bring fantastic effects. So what is worth knowing about this unique therapy and who can actually benefit from it? Here is the most important information about dogotherapy.

Dogotherapy - for whom?

Dog therapy is mainly used as part of the treatment of people with intellectual disabilities, autism and Down's syndrome, but also to support elderly people. Activities with a pet dog may increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation and the whole therapeutic process. However, this is not the only application of dog therapy. Currently, dog therapy is often used in rehabilitation activities, too.

Why does direct contact with a dog during consecutive sessions have a positive effect on people participating in this kind of therapy? The presence of animals primarily affects our emotions, alleviating all kinds of anxiety and loneliness. Each of us feels the need for closeness, cuddling with someone and a dog is perfect in this case, giving unconditional acceptance to a person. It is enough to stroke a dog or even hug him to feel safe and get rid of negative emotions.

Can every dog participate in dog therapy?

Although most dogs have a positive attitude towards people and enjoy spending time with them, not every dog of this species can be a part of dog therapy. In most cases, Labrador retrievers or Golden Retrievers are chosen for this task. This is due to the fact that they are very gentle animals that willingly cooperate with people and inspire trust. What is more, they are characterized by intelligence, thanks to which they learn faster and working with them gives expected results.

Of course, before a dog can take an active part in a person's therapy, it has to undergo appropriate training. An extremely important aspect is also a proper socialization of a dog, which must acquire certain norms and behavior patterns. The dog must be socialised into certain norms and behaviour patterns, which it needs to acquire from the very beginning of its life.

Dog therapy - does it work?

The results of systematic work with dogs are surprising, especially for the youngest participants. Of course it is important to remember that the sessions must be conducted in the right way so that everyone can benefit from them fully. Both the participants and the dog himself must feel comfortable all the time. What is more, quadrupeds should not work more than a few hours a week. This can be a maximum of two hours per day, provided, however, that there is also an adequate break between classes.