Monday, 4 November 2024

Canine distemper - a serious pet disease

8 April 2021

Wear and tear is a disease that dog owners are familiar with, although the condition can occur in many different animals. For example, it can occur in cats, goats or sheep.

When a dog is diagnosed with peste des petits canis, the owner should take the necessary steps to ensure that his pet stays healthy. It is also important to learn as much as possible about the disease. It is good to learn a little bit about factors that cause it, ways of diagnosing and treating it as well as dangers that result from it.

Worm disease in dogs

A parasite called canine pestilence is responsible for causing pestilence in dogs. Due to its microscopic size, it is virtually impossible to see with the naked eye. A single parasite may not pose much of a threat to a dog, but if it multiplies too much, it can attack the animal's skin.

Puppies are at risk of becoming infected, even in their first days of life. Parasites can be found in the mother's body and passed to the puppies during feeding or grooming. Parasites begin to multiply at a rapid rate at times when the body's immunity is particularly weakened. This happens after an illness or during antibiotic treatment.

There are four forms in which puerperal disease can occur: focal, finger, generalised juvenile and adult puerperal disease. The focal form of keratosis is the one that occurs most often. It usually appears in dogs in the first year of life. It is quite dynamic and lasts about a month, although this is not the norm; sometimes it can last much longer. It usually disappears without a trace and does not leave behind any obvious complications, although in some cases it transforms into a different form of nausea. In addition to young age, factors influencing the occurrence of the disease include poor diet and weakness of the body. Nevertheless, even very neat and clean dogs can get it.

Canine erosion - symptoms

In dogs affected by peste des petitschis, the skin begins to peel. Red erythema and pus-filled pustules also appear and the hair in the affected area begins to thin. Generally speaking, the symptoms are very visible and hard to miss.

Canine Worm Disease - Treatment

In treating canine peste des petits erysipelas, you fight both the symptoms of the disease and its causes. First, the parasite that attacks the body must be eliminated. Then, all skin lesions that appeared as a result of the disease are gradually removed. Very important is the subsequent use of drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Appropriate antibiotics are used to eliminate the parasite. On the other hand, antibiotic therapy weakens the body's immunity, which is one of the reasons for the aggravation of the disease. For this reason, special shielding drugs are used at the same time to protect the body during this period. In addition to internal medicines, various ointments and shampoos are used to strengthen the skin.

WASHINGTON in a small dog

Juvenile puerperal disease

Juvenile Wear mainly affects dogs in the first twelve months of life. It usually passes on its own, but at the same time it cannot be ignored - neglecting certain symptoms may expose the dog to dangerous complications. Dangerous for dogs with juvenile psoriasis are not only the symptoms of the disease itself, but also later bacterial infections or enlarged lymph nodes. There are several breeds that are particularly prone to this disease. These include, among others, bulldogs, boxers, dobermans, dogs and dachshunds.

Generalised Woolly Adults in Dogs

It is similar to juvenile WNF, but affects dogs over one year old. There are many factors that contribute to its development, so it can occur in virtually any individual. The most common is weakened immunity and body fatigue.

Finger dermatitis

The treatment of the first three forms of IBD is basically the same. The treatment is slightly different for toe infection, which is more demanding and more difficult to treat. Large dogs such as St. Bernards are most susceptible.

In this form, lesions appear on or between the toes. They take the form of rashes and pustules; sometimes even open, small wounds.

Diagnosis of lesions

To make a complete diagnosis, the doctor first takes scrape samples from the affected skin. This is the only way to determine whether or not you have IBD, which can be easily confused with many other skin conditions.

Only a doctor, after careful diagnostic tests, can provide the appropriate treatment for your case. No treatment decision can be made without diagnosing the disease and obtaining the necessary information about it.

It is not advisable to use any home remedies to treat pemphigus. This can only lead to deterioration of the animal's health and dangerous complications. In case of this disease, it is necessary to rebuild the immune system in the dog's body. Only with proper internal treatment can you get rid of all skin lesions and completely eliminate the disease.